Introducing the Girl Behind the Camera

I am very excited to be sharing my FIRST blog post with you, and to tell you all about myself as well as my photography! Also where I plan to take my business in the future.
I want to take this time and introduce myself, my name is Taylor and I am a 22 year old photographer from South Carolina. I am obsessed with Grey's Anatomy, I can't wait for the new season to come out. So in the mean time I am binge watching tv shows on Hulu to stay preoccupied. My favorite TV show is probably Fixer Upper, and my favorite TV show to watch reruns of is Full House. My go to Starbucks drink is a Grande Java Chip Frappe, or sometimes I'll get the strawberry refresher especially on these hot summer days! When someone ask me what my favorite food is, most people are expecting pizza or tacos but my answer would be mashed potatoes, I seriously can't get enough of them especially garlic mashed potatoes! Yum Yum! Lets not leave out my favorite thing to eat EVER is Chocolate!! My boyfriends family and I went to Chimney Rock, NC, on Monday and before we left we got some ice cream, and the woman asked if any of us wanted ours dipped in chocolate..and you wouldn't believe how fast I said yes!
Enough about the foods I like, let me tell you about how I got into photography. I honestly started photographing things outside like flowers in middle school and I fell in love with the art of photography. Skip a head a few years and I did my first photo session, it was a maternity photo session for my cousin and her husband, she was pregnant with her first child. A couple months to a year later i joined the yearbook staff in high school, and taking the pictures for the yearbook was honestly the best part of high school! That is really where my interest for photography became real and I started actually doing photo sessions for people.
Apart from my personal photography business I am trying to be successful with, I have been a full time photographer for almost two years now. First I worked at Lifetouch National School studios for about a year and a half; and for those of you who don't know what that is we took the school photos for elementary kids all the way up to high school. As well as other things! In November/December of last year I went to work at the Lifetouch Portrait studio to help out because they get pretty busy during the holiday season. Now I am working at the Portrait studio full time. I love it there because it gives me the opportunity experience all types of photography. The sessions range from large families to newborn babies and anything in-between. I never get bored with what I photograph.
My favorite things to photograph are couples, maternity and individual shots of people. Being able to photograph a couples photo session is so special, especially when you can see how in love they are. I absolutely love maternity sessions! Mainly because the new moms to be look so beautiful with that baby glow they have. It is just so amazing to photograph them because they will never be pregnant with that child again, it makes it that much more special!
And lastly where I hope to be in the future with my business is to own a cute shop in a downtown area where I can have a studio inside and have my photos displayed on my walls for people to see. I look forward to seeing where my photography will take me in the next few years! I can't wait to meet all the awesome people along the way too!

Photos curtesy of Christa Rene Photography